

the FEMALE GAZE October 2022

This show plays on the concept of the Female Gaze by exploring ideas commonly associated with the feminine power of witchcraft, the occult, and the supernatural, all through the eyes of inclusively feminist women. This body of work is a glimpse into the magical minds of illustrative realist Perry deVick (She/Her) and digital illustrator Summer Elaine Hue (She/Her/They).


Archive 2015 - 2021

These artworks are from various group shows, mostly at MIZE Gallery.


In Our Wake April 2015

“In Our Wake" is a two-person show featuring work that celebrates the persistence of wildlife in a manmade landscape. Oil painter Perry deVick and sculptor/painter DemiGod each present a symbiotic complement to the other’s work. The artwork opens a window to an alternate Tampa Bay, one devoid of people. What creatures would come out of hiding? How would they interact with the trappings of human civilization without us around? This body of work is a deeper, darker imagining of traditional Florida wildlife.